


Our in-house breeding programme in Norway provides genetically improved material of Atlantic salmon that has undergone continuous and systematic developments for more than 40 years.

Tailored to meet the local challenges

Recognized for rapid growth, late sexual maturity, resistance to disease and parasites as well as outstanding flesh quality, the SalmoBreed strain is tailored to meet the demands of Norwegian salmon farmers. The modern land-based site, Benchmark Genetics Salten, provides salmon ova every week of the year, produced at the highest levels of biosecurity. We are also the leading provider of genetic improvement services to aquaculture industries worldwide, known as Akvaforsk Genetics. Our extensive experience in design, implementation and technical operations includes more than 30 applied selective breeding programs for fish and shellfish species across Europe, Asia and Latin America.


Customer stories

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Dr. Geir Olav Melingen
Head of Salmon, Health and GeneticsHead Office, Norway+47 922 44 511